The Innovation Landscape Survey is about understanding your innovation needs now and in the future.
We invite you to participate in this major Innovation Survey.
Be part of designing the future of Engineering and Technology, and help IET with IKE Institute to support innovators so that they’re equipped with the right capabilities to solve the hardest challenges we face today.
The Survey looks at the world of innovation through two societal lenses: Digital Futures and Sustainability & Climate Change.
Developing Digitally Native Organisations, automating decision-making and actions predicted by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms, and protecting Digital Sovereignty in a data-powered borderless globe, are just a few of the ways digital is redefining, at a break neck speed, the world around us.
Climate change and the drive for sustainability is embedded into organisations. Not anymore is it an after thought, or an ad-hoc approach, but now it’s something that is central to how organisations’ operate, engage and deliver their business. Underpinned by National climate change targets, the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and a need to drive innovations responsibly, organisations are striving to achieve Zero Net Energy, they’re empowering Sustainable Digital Business and deploying Circular Economy Platforms.
The confluence of Digital and Green Engineering is creating a flux of disruption. Opportunities are propagating, but alongside, threats are also manifesting. Organisations need to build up their innovative capabilities to counter against these threats, whilst focusing on maximising the value that these opportunities from this confluence affords.
We don’t know what the future will bring. But getting ready is half the battle of expecting what’s to come. That’s why YOUR participation in this Innovation Landscape Survey is so important.
Make your voice heard.
Play your part in defining the future!