Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) will shortly be responsible for designing and delivering strategies to ensure the best usage of EU structural funds and Government funding of infrastructure and capital projects. Each of the 39 LEP areas are to receive a funding allocation which must be spent in line with overarching priorities for their region. Colleges have a key role to play in improving the supply of skills and creating the conditions to support enterprise development at a local and regional level. NEF is pleased to be working with GFirst (Gloucester First) the Local Enterprise Partnership in the Gloucestershire region to develop a region-wide STEM strategy that meets the needs of their employers.
NEF would be pleased to support colleges that wish to develop innovative strategies that aim to improve the STEM capacity and capability in a region and drive innovation. This could be through the development of Innovation Hubs and specialist new or emerging technology laboratories and facilities that have the potential to generate real value and social benefit to local economies.
So let’s work together to propose innovative solutions that make your application more attractive for funding support, and help accelerate growth in your region. For further information please contact Michelle Medhat on michelle.medhat@thenef.org.uk or call us on 0208 786 3677.